Friday, January 28, 2011

Ya Had To Be There

It's my impression that you can't call someone your friend until you have an "inside joke" with them. You know, those random sayings that make you double over with laughter while everyone else wonders whether you're safe to touch because you might have mad cow disease?

These jokes are the glue that hold a great friendship together. Random experiences that get brought up repeatedly when there's nothing else to talk about, and can entertain you for hours on end.

My group of high school friends and I are some of the tightest knit people I know, and well...let's just say that if we decided to reminisce on all of our inside jokes in public, there'd be some nice men with fancy jackets waiting for us.

Right, Mr. Gilbride, I'm sure you really are Sneezy the Dwarf. Now just bend over and I'll give you some medicine that will make allllllll your sneezes go away. You can trust me...I'm a doctor.

For instance, I can pretty much reduce my friend Renae to tears of mirth by saying "nerka nerka." Get it? No? Yeah, that's my point here.

My friend Brandon and I don't say "month" anymore. We say "nibth." It's not because we have brain lesions, it's just hysterical to us.

I literally don't call my one friend by her first name anymore. It's Quiermo, always.

And don't even get me started on Spetznaz hiccups. Hoo-boy those were some good times.

So, in order to make this post more than me rambling on about jokes that make no sense to you, I propose a discussion. Do you agree that good friends need to have some sort of in-joke? Do you have friends like this? And if you're feeling really adventurous, let me know what some of these jokes are! I won't judge you much.


C Suders said...

Ah, yes, I have many friends with whom I share inside jokes.

My most recent example is with my friends Brian and Mandy (with whom we recorded some "Helping Hands" videos, which are on my blog).

Now we can pretty much quote the videos by heart. And we do. And it will entertain us for hours, and hours, and years...

Erich said...

oh yes, i'm familiar with the helping hands videos. I think that was the first post of yours that I read hahahaha.

Shalon said...

I remember another one erich!!! It's between me you and renae! The pep rallys =] That's all i gotta say, you'll understand =]

Erich said...

lol I was actually going to include that in the post but I didn't know how to articulate it well enough :P

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