Sunday, January 30, 2011

Oh the Glories of College Bathrooms

Let me set the scene for everyone.

I'm getting ready for class, cleansing myself of the filth from the day before. My sculpture-inspiring body (you've seen David? The statue? Like that, but even MORE chiseled somehow. And yes, that was a damn fine pun) has tiny rivulets of water coursing over it, removing any impurities from my form. I am at one with the water, floating in a sea of warmth and happiness.

And what to my wondering eyes should appear? A pubic hair. On the wall. At eye level no less. I panicked a little and backed up, turning around, and saw ANOTHER one. And then another.

And another

And another. 

I was literally boxed in by pubic hair. It was like some sort of torture chamber designed by Jigsaw when he was first starting out, before all the killing.

Boom. Pubic hair. That'll teach him. Teeheehee.

Seriously. In all honesty, how in the hell does a hair like that end up at or above eye level? Personally, I can't picture anything other than someone shaving their armpits, then jumping armpit-first into the wall. That is literally the only way I can even fathom that hair getting that high up.

Unless maybe the guy shaved...and then did a handstand...ugh. No. We aren't going there. It was armpit hair. It had to be.

Oh God I hope it was armpit hair.

(p.s. a HUGE thank you to the friend of mine that made the new banner for me. I absolutely love it.)


Unknown said...

Maybe someone stuck them to the wall with the intent of freaking out the next shower user?? I'd say they succeeded! :D

Erich said...

hahahahaha somehow the idea of someone meticulously placing hairs on the wall is even creepier. But yeah they definitely freaked me out a bit.

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