Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Power Within!!

Ever since I was a little kid I've wanted to have super powers. You know why? Because that would be awesome, that's why. I don't care what power it is. As long as it isn't something useless (able-to-see-his-breath-no-matter-how-warm-it-is-outside-man!) I'd pretty much take anything. Telekinesis, shape shifting, time manipulation, you name it, I want it. Hell, I'd even take something simple like super human agility. I DON'T CARE. I just want to be super.

Maybe it's wishful thinking, but every once in awhile (and my friends will back me up on this) I think I can tap into the ability to teleport...or at least run really really fast. Unfortunately, this only happens when I encounter my mortal enemy...

I was going to link a picture of a spider, but I was too scared. Here's something I found googling "adorable kitten snuggle pile."
Yes, spiders. These little beasties are the bane of my existence. So many legs...*shudder*

I don't know what it is about spiders that terrify me. They just do. I think it's the way that they move. They scuttle for crying out loud. Scuttle. Seriously, read that word and then try to not shiver against your will. You can't. You can't because it's terrifying. It goes in your ear and nestles in your spinal column and then you shiver. It's science.

Seriously though, I'm pretty sure that when my fight or flight response kicks in upon seeing the eight legged death creature, I unlock my hidden potential. I can traverse an entire room and no one will even see me move. We were once in Biology class, and my friend Krista shoved a picture of a spider in my face, and then everyone blinked and I was in the back of the room and no one knew how I got there.
Me, upon seeing a spider. Also my favorite super that's cool.

Unluckily for me my Biology teacher kept a giant, petrified spider in a case in the back of the room. A piece of me died that day.

Maybe if I just faced my fear and confronted the spiders I'd be able to harness my inner Nightcrawler. But as awesome as that might be...I think I'm too scared.


C Suders said...

This post reminds me of Ron Weasley in Harry Potter :)

"Spiders... the spiders... they want me to tap-dance. And I don't want to tap-dance!"

Erich said...

that scene in the movie always terrified me. ugh.

Kareem said...

Is it true that the average person eats 8 spiders a year in their sleep? What if you wake up with it just crawling down your tongue!

Erich said...

I believe I've read that that is a myth. I hope so. I'm just going to go on believing that because if I ever woke up with a spider on my tongue I would die, right there, on the spot.

C Suders said...

Erich said...

knew I read that somewhere! haha thanks for the page link and for putting my fears to rest!

Kareem said...

same here! Thanks!

Unknown said...

I hate how crawly spiders are too :(

I think you and my bf would get along. He dreams of super powers too. After watching The Last Airbender, he constantly obsessed over being able to bend the elements!

If you're looking for a way to get away from a spider/be a super hero when you're near water, you might like these!...

Erich said...

hahahaha Pickle I imagine we probably would. I spent a week this past summer re-watching the entire Avatar series. Like, 3 hours per night lmao. Love that show.

Also, I love that video. I've seen it a few times before, but I feel like I've read it was a fake. Cool video nonetheless, but I think it might have been trickery. :P

mistersarcastic said...

I totally get where you're coming from with spiders. I once found one in the bath and didn't wash for a week. Ya, it just sat there LOOKING AT me. Even when it was DEAD.

One once ran over my foot. I think I might have passed out when that happened. I'm 6'6" and 233 pounds. A giant pussy.

Erich said...

Hahahahaha I know exactly what you mean. By the way I like your blog, and I'll definitely be checking back to read it.

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