Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Stupid Gag Foods...Working Against Me.

There are some foods I love: ice cream, chicken alfredo, pizza, etc.

Then there are some foods that can make me throw up, like onions. They make me gag every time. It's some kind of Pavlovian conditioned response that I have. I don't know what it is, but at least I can anticipate it and avoid it.

Then there are some foods that fall in a crack between these two categories. I don't know when, and I don't know why, but these foods will sometimes make me gag out of nowhere.

Bananas are a prime example of this. I don't understand it, but they seem to conspire against me. I think, "Hey! I'll be healthy and just pass through the cafeteria on the way to class and pick up a banana! And the world responds to my attempt at health by having me nearly regurgitate my stomach onto the sidewalk.

I honestly have no idea what causes this, it's so random. Maybe it's those stupid stringy pieces that chill on the banana even after you've peeled it.
Seriously banana strings, what the hell is this?
Choose a damn side and stick with it.

Eggs also do this to me. I think I'm going to enjoy a nice fried egg for breakfast like civilized folk, but no. I'm just all like "Hey mom thanks for the eggs they're really goo-HYURKABLAGHHHH" 

It's traumatic!

Get this guy to wield a whip made from
a banana string and I'd be in tears.

Maybe I'm alone here, or it's just some quirk I have. I'm not sure, but it sucks. If you suffer from this crippling vulnerability to food, give me a shout out in the comments. We can form a club.


C Suders said...

Bananas and eggs are two foods get to my stomach and spend the next four hours making me wish I'd never eaten them. If they even make it to my stomach; I usually only eat them if someone serves them to me and I have to be polite.

Another gag food: liver. But that one's like, "Duh..."

Erich said...

I've actually managed to avoid liver for my life thus far. No idea what that one's going to do to me if/when I try it hahahaha.

Jacky said...

hahaha eggs definitely tends to do this to me. do you ever have poached eggs? ugh, can't stand those!

my worst (or best, depending on how you interpret it...) experience of gag foods is when my dad had me try pig intestines... bleh...

Erich said...

wow. that doesn't even sound like it should be allowed to be food. pig intestines? hahahaha. I do not envy you.

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